Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pepsi Max

Pepsi Max

The super bowl, one of the best times to see this year's newest advertisements, it also was a great year because my team won the Lombardi Trophy. While the game was exciting and fun to watch, everyone knows a good portion of the viewers watch the game only for the halftime show and the commercials. I decided to talk about one of my favorite commercials from this past Super Bowl. This commercial is promoting Pepsi Max and it's about two people on their first date. On the date each person is smiling at each other, then the commercial goes into each person's thoughts. The girl thinks all these questions of what the guy thinks of her, what he does with his hair, if he wants to kiss her. The guy is thinking a recurring thought. "I want to sleep with her." He says this over and over until he sees the girl's beverage, a Pepsi Max. The man's thought then changes to "I want her Pepsi Max", over and over. The girl either notices him staring at her drink or reads his mind and thinks back "Not a chance". The commercial ends on a funny note with the guy thinking. "Dang. Oh wait to which one?" The commercial's last image is of a can of Pepsi Max.
This to me was a funny commercial but also showed how Pepsi is trying to reach all age groups. Pepsi has multiple commercials during the Super Bowl each year, all revolving around humor and all try to get a mixture of age groups. This one is specifically targeted and the younger age group, more specifically people in their early 20s. The ad is saying, Pepsi Max is so good, it will take a man's attention away from sleeping with a girl. This ad I feel was successful because Pepsi Max is still being sold regularly and hasn't discontinued. Pepsi is successful at marketing because of the wide range of age groups they reach out to with their humor. Another reason Pepsi is successful is Pepsi ran a campaign telling people to make their own Pepsi Max commercial and the winner's would be on during the Super Bowl. This ad was the winner, but the main point is Pepsi is trying to attract viewers by getting them involved, and involvement does attract attention. Pepsi could have used a catchy slogan to go with the commercial to make it funnier, such as "Pepsi Max... better than sleeping with someone" or something to that extent.

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